New Conflict Styles

Three additional styles of conflict management have been discovered through the use of an ethnically diverse sample.  These three styles are:

1. Emotional Expression: "Whatever my 'gut' and my 'heart' tell me, I would let these feelings show."
2. Passive Aggression: "Without actually accusing anyone of being lazy, I'd try to make him or her feel guilty."
3. Third-party Help: "I would enlist the professor to aid us in solving the conflict."

You'll notice that some changes are obviously different from the 5-style chart.  The first thing is that both avoiding and compromising are now located near obliging in high "other-face" territory.  These are different strategies that people in collectivist cultures use to accomplish the same end-giving face to the other party.  The second major thing to notice is that the ovals and rectangles that outline integrating and third-party help are superimposed to show that both collectivists and individualists use the strategies, yet interpret them differently.